Again with the pears

Yes, I love pears.  Yes, it’s probably one of my favorite things to paint or draw.  They’re also pretty amazing to eat.   Lately, I’ve been craving this sweet pear and gorgonzola salad that I couldn’t get enough of last fall. There’s just something about the pears, blue cheese, red onions, and sweet Dijon vinaigrette that just plain does it for me.  Well, enough with the making myself hungry and onto the subject. This pic is actually of an oil pastel.  When I younger, I didn’t care for oil pastels, but I never had the use of Ampersand Pastelbord back then.  Pastelbord is wonderful!  It has a gritty feeling that they call tooth.  The tooth grabs the pastels, making it richer in color and easier to draw on than pastel papers. This pastel was done in the time frame of a movie.  Actually, it took less time than the whole movie, because I am a distracted movie watcher.  I get up, get some water, sit down, and get up again because I forgot my snack.  I also usually like to be busy when I watch movies.  Usually, I flip through magazines.  Drawing with pastels requires a bit more concentration than a magazine, so it is something that I can do only if I’ve watched the movie many times before.   And here is an ode to my craving, drawn while watching Zombieland

Lonely Pear

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